Nominative, Accusative, Genitive, Bus Tickets, Pleasant Peasant Dinner

(Friday 16th September 2011 written on same day)
How things change! Yesterday dinner was; early in the evening, with the upper classes in a fancy restaurant, watching an Italian chef (called “Fabio”) make pasta dishes, throw pizzas around and make ice cream with liquid nitrogen. Today dinner is eaten after 10:00, and (something like) cottage cheese, black tea and brown bread. All in Siberia.
And with a clear sky the temperature changes from hot (walk around the streets in your shirtsleeves) during the day, to cold (brr) at night.
My landlady just arrived and it’s time for dinner (after 22:00 at night). I’ll describe dinner first and then the rest of the day.
Dinner this evening is “Slava” (Tvorak (cream cottage cheece), Smetana (sour cream) and sugar mixed together), pureed vegetables (carrots and I don’t know what), several kinds of bread and black tea. Delicious!
This morning I found that I’d “got away with” my translation. I could answer all the questions (verbally) and the only significant mistake was that I can misunderstood one word and turned a desire into a reality (and future into present tense). Not too bad considering it was done under pressure.
Next was more grammar: Nominative, Accusative and Genitive cases. You don’t want to know!
After lunch, which was “you know where” all three students set off down to the bus station to give moral support to one of our number (the Spanish lady) who is making a weeked trip to Tomsk. Good for her! Mission accomplished we returned to the school, and I got on with my homework.
It was really pretty hot outside, providing you are in the sun. On the way home I took photos of the Opera House at the back of Lenin Square, and the base of the Novosibirsk Architecture Preservation Organisation (or something like that). I’m going to the Opera tomorrow.

Then I did some more homework, and fell asleep. I was thinking about going to bed when my landlady arrived.

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